Friday, December 23, 2011

Go for Green Tea and Coffee in 2012, With Angel Springs’ Eco Boilers

Businesses looking to make an environmentally friendly New Year’s resolution for 2012 could save money, time and energy with the new eco boiler range from Angel Springs.
Angel Springs, the UK’s leading service provider of both bottled and mains-fed water coolers, is offering a no-obligation, seven-day free trial on its eco boiler range for businesses wanting to save on time and electricity bills when staff make hot drinks.
Rather than the standard office kettle – which takes minutes to boil, creates queues, and can end up being overfilled and wasting energy – eco boilers only use the exact amount of water needed to make hot drinks in the office. They provide hot water on demand – and can instantly heat up to 156 cups per hour.
Angel Springs’ innovative eco boilers take cold water directly from the mains, pass it through BRITA Filtration technology then boil it to around 100°C using fast, efficient heating elements.
Eco boilers instantly heat the amount of water necessary to fill a cup – whether staff are filling up a single mug or fetching a round of hot drinks – so no electricity is wasted by boiling more water than is needed. Eco boilers also use far less power than traditional appliances.
“Eco boilers are a great addition for any office kitchen or catering environment,” explains John Murphy, commercial director of Angel Springs. “The boilers only use the amount of water needed, so businesses save on electricity bills, and it’s environmentally friendly, because there’s no waste.
“Staff can make a hot drink immediately and return to their desks, so businesses also save a lot of time.
“By taking a no-obligation, seven-day free trial, businesses can discover for themselves just how good our eco boilers are – both in terms of efficiency and cost-savings, and in terms of making a great-tasting drink!”
Customers who sign up for a seven-day free trial in December, and decide they wish to take an Angel Springs eco boiler, can get one installed for January.
It’s a great way to be more environmentally friendly, save time and costs, and start 2012’s New Year resolutions in earnest.
Notes to editors:
Angel Springs
Angel Springs is the longest-running water cooler company in the UK, supplying customers with fresh spring water, water coolers and water boilers for 21 years. The company employs 180 staff and is committed to working and developing successful relationships with local community groups, charities and businesses across the UK.


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