Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Obese Children Need Higher Antioxidant Levels

photo by: muammerokumus

One important requirement of obese or fat children to
prevent cardiovascular diseases are fruits and vegetables,
which contain lots of antioxidants from carotenoids.
Inflammation are high in obese children and antioxidants can prevent the build up of free radicals which are associated with inflammation.

The results from the research in the University of Newcastle
led by Dr Tracy Burrows showed that obese children have
lower levels of carotenoids compared to leaner children.
They suggested that carotenoids, which are high in
antioxidants, are consumed much faster in obese kids than in normal kids. Lower levels of antioxidants can mean greater risk of diseases such as those related to the heart.

The research team suggested that obese kids should consume larger amounts of fruits and vegetables to elevate the carotenoid levels in their bodies.

Read the rest of the story here.

Antioxidants from carotenoids are fat soluble therefore they can penetrate into fat areas, where water soluble antioxidants could not, to neutralize free radicals to prevent oxidative damage to our cells.

There are also non fat soluble antioxidants like the ones found in green tea which can help control obesity. Combined with other components in green tea, these antioxidants can help burn energy and not store it as fat (thermogenesis).

Other Articles of Interest

Goji Berry Juice  is high in antioxidants and could greatly help our body's need for antioxidants.

Herbal Green Tea Extract - green tea can be more potent when combined with other medicinal herbs.